The Arabic Classes at the masjid have ended.

There shall be no Arabic class at the masjid until further notice.

Keep checking this page for further announcements of new Arabic classes, set to begin after Ramadan, in ‘sha Allahu ta’ala

(For any comments/suggestions, please email:

as-Salamu`Alaykum wa-Rahmatullah

A short class on ‘Fiqh of I`tikaf’, followed by Q & A, has been organised by MKMYO, to be held on:

Thursday 18th Ramadan 1429AH (18th September, 2008), after Salat al-`Asr (5.30pm)

at the Masjid.

Brothers and sisters welcome

The initial meeting of the MKMYO was held at the Central Jami’ Masjid on Sunday 7th September, 2008, immediately after the ‘Asr prayer.

The aims and objectives of the organisation were discussed as well as the need for the youth to come forward from their dormant attitudes and take an active role in the Masjid affairs and in developing positive activities and functions for the youth. Emphasis was placed on the fact that nothing can be done without voluntary active participation in the Masjid affairs relevant to the youth, and that making demands was the first step, followed by commitment, dedication and responsibility in achievng a successful and beneficial outcome.

Helpers and volunteers are always required, and all assistance is always appreciated. This is the best area to invest in the Akhirah (Hereafter), and hence, no investment should be turned down.

Schedule for the next meeting will be announced here.

as-Salāmu ʿAlaykum wa-Raḥmatullāh

For those interested in taking an active part in future activities and developments at the Central Jāmiʿ Masjid, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, please attend the initial meeting which is scheduled to be held at the masjid on:

Sunday 7th September, 2008, at 5.45pm

In this meeting, we shall highlight the importance of youth engagement in the masjid programmes as well as encourage commitment and sincere efforts from those demanding contemporary activities under the masjid banner, hence, your attendance is vital.

jazākum Allāhu khayra ’l-jazā’

Welcome to Milton Keynes Muslim Youth Organisation